I like to write.

This is my second go at a blog.

I like blogs because they are a creative outlet for me.

I also like blogs because they let me share the things I want to talk about with anyone who wants to hear it!

I don’t love the word ‘blog’.

I am uncomfortable using social media to ‘promote’ my blog. I am thankful for Abby Campbell’s guidance and patience.

The number one word people use to describe me is honest. Sometimes that hurts my feelings. I wish it was nice…though I understand their choice. A girl can dream.

I think my best trait is that I am funny. My worst trait is that I am impatient. Oh, I am also too competitive, too intense and somewhat inflexible.

I am self-deprecating – that extends to members of my family.

I never, ever want to make it appear like my life is perfect. But my blog is meant to be a mostly happy place!

Eric and I would have liked to have had four kids but we suffered two miscarriages between Mia and Chloe and we didn’t want to put ourselves through that again. We are grateful we were able to have three.

On that note, I lost my dad when I was 25 to a heart attack. Life is short.

Also on that, that note, I have a strong and ever present fear of death.

Also on that, that, that note, I am not religious.

Back on the bright side, we camp for three weeks every summer in a tent trailer. Our campsite has no electricity or running water. We live out of coolers with blocks of ice.

My favourite simple breakfast is tea and sourdough toast with butter and peanut butter. I also love breakfast buffets.

I like to be first in line at buffets. I only let my Grandma go before me. She is 98 years old.

That was far more than I intended on sharing.

Thank you so much for reading.


A bit more…here is my old blog!

(Photo by Abby Campbell)