There are a couple of particularly funny things I remember my kids saying. I wish I would have written down more of the the funny things they have said over the years.
One night a few years ago, while Nicholas and I were torturing one another trying to do homework together, I became completely frustrated and let him know just how frustrated I was. His response was this,
“You’re going to regret this one day when I turn out to be Ivan Einstein!”
On another day, when I was frustrated around the house with all the cleaning up after everyone, Mia looked at me and said,
“Mom, you’re like Cinderella except without the good part.”
Not to be outdone by her siblings, Chloe has been making me laugh with her lunch critiques that started coming home in her lunches last year. You can find more of them on my personal Instagram account. They are pretty funny.

Her most recent critique was on the chicken drumsticks I gave her.

What funny things have your kids said? Please share in the comments so we can all have a good laugh today!
Hope everyone had a great Easter!
A bit more…funny things kids have said
Here are a few of my favorite kid quotes from my book.
Cami when she fell and got mud on her knee “Mom, I got dirt juice on my knee!”
Also Cami looking at our stove, “Self-Cleaning? You can clean yourself in this oven?” She was 6.
Jaycee, 6 years old :”I don’t want to stuff myself before school, cause I might throw my cookies out the window. That’s another word for barf.”
Luke, 3 years old : Cami (aka Barbie Princess) tells Luke he needs to save her from harm! Luke (aka Batman) replies “Is harm a bad guy?”
One more, 3 year old Luke when he offers his swing on the playground to a pregnant stranger. She explains why it’s not a good idea and he says to her “Oh, you don’t want your baby to roll out, right?”
These are hilarious! It’s so great that you kept up at writing things down. I’m so disappointed I didn’t – but I guess I have a few gems. Thanks for sharing them!!!
My 7 year old daughter Maya can always make me laugh with her one liners!
Today, when we stopped for lunch on our way home from an Easter visit in Sudbury, as we got out of the car I reminded her to hide her iPad under something in the car so that it wouldn’t be visible. She did. Then she said “Mom grandma told me that when she leaves her car she always hides her glasses. Who would want to steal granny glasses “?.
I laughed so hard!
Haha! That’s hilarious. And she’s right! Would someone steal glasses?
I laughed out loud! And love that Chloe sends home critiques… ha ha ha!
I once asked Sierrah what you do if you catch on fire and she said, “Stop, rock ‘n roll”.
That is an amazing response and so fitting for your family! That also reminds me of a safety conversation with Mia when she was about 8. We asked her what she would do if someone tried to stop her while she was walking home from school. She said,
“If it’s a boy – kick him in the nuts. If it’s a girl – purple nurple.”
I’m posting a comment on my own blog?! I was just talking Mia through using a knife to separate two frozen pieces of bread and when my method worked she said, “All your years of living have really paid off.”
Your post had me in stitches this morning!! 😂 Loving your entries. Great work!!
I’m glad!!! Thanks, Francesca for being a long time reader!!!!