I love this quote. I heard it when watching the movie Hector and the Search for Happiness and I have never forgotten it (though I did forget it came from this movie – you should watch it, it’s quite good!).  Read it again. Think about it. Let it resonate.

I have found myself thinking a lot about the quote’s message. I have been happier and it is because I have been engaged in projects that fuel me. Here is what has made me happy lately…

Writing and Creating – Developing this new blog and its content has been an immense amount of work. But the work is bringing me a lot of joy. I feel creative and inspired and excited and content…with a healthy dose of pressure.

Party Planning! I also just helped a friend plan a big 40th birthday party. It was a ton of work but I was giddy with excitement over every detail (and also because I could PLAN it but I didn’t have to PAY for it).

Running – I often tell people that I hate running even though I do it several times a week. I don’t actually hate it when I think about it. I love the challenge of it even though some days it feels like I’m dragging around a block of concrete.

Pay attention to what you are doing the next time you feel happy. You might be surprised.

Please share! What do you do that brings you happiness?

A bit more…10 Surprisingly Simple Happiness Tips