How Do You Spend New Year’s Eve?

Tonight, we will be honouring a very long tradition of getting together with our good friends Hilary and Rob for New Year’s Eve. We go to their house for Chinese food and then we make our way here for games, […]
Tonight, we will be honouring a very long tradition of getting together with our good friends Hilary and Rob for New Year’s Eve. We go to their house for Chinese food and then we make our way here for games, […]
Here are some of my favourite holiday ads for you to enjoy when you need a little break over the next couple of days. Something for everyone here! Brilliant marketing. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Thank you so much for being […]
I distinctly remember the first time I had one of my mother-in-law’s Christmas cookies. It was my first Christmas with Eric, I was madly in love, we were sitting around her kitchen table and she opened up a red Christmas […]
Because I listen exclusively to Christmas music at this time of year, I will often listen to the radio station that plays it 24/7 on the way to work. This week, that station (96.7) has been performing random acts of […]
Thank you to my good friend Brad for this guest post!!! If you don’t know Brad, all you need to know is that he is impeccably dressed and well-groomed at all times. You are too, Eric… Enjoy! Good grooming levels […]
Shakes are a go to snack and breakfast in our house, especially for the kids. Nicholas loves to have one after a practice or game (or after watching a movie or just before bed or whenever he feels like one) […]
This week, my baby, my third child, found out that there is no Santa Claus. And I am a mess. How desperately I wanted at least one more Christmas for her to believe. For me to be able to experience […]
I love Christmas for lots of reasons. One of them is because I love buying gifts. I also love to make recommendations of great gift ideas to people. I like to be in good shape BY December 1st. This year, […]
I became keenly aware that it is indeed November, when driving home today I realized it was exceptionally dark at 5:58pm. The darkness of winter has descended and in order to survive till spring, we need to make the best […]
We start playing Christmas music in our house early. Like November 1st early. I won’t have it on all the time but on a snowy November day or on a Sunday while I’m preparing food (which is often all day), […]