I love September. Well, I mostly love it. It is hard to say goodbye to summer but September makes the loss of summer easier with its warm days and cool nights and the promise something beautiful as the leaves begin to change colour. Here are some thoughts on this month of new beginnings…

The Ups…

Leaves changing colour (and falling around me while I walk, like in a movie, in New York City)

Sweater weather

We can start watching Hocus Pocus soon

Thanksgiving is coming!

MacIntosh apples that aren’t too tart

Wearing plaid

Eating comfort food OR barbecue

It’s fair game for fall scented candles

Pumpkin decorations

Netflix binge watching is totally acceptable

The Downs…

Fading tans

Being sooooo tired

Having sooooo many scheduled activities

School lunches. Boo!

Feeling overwhelmed

Feeling a little bit sad…for no particular reason

Waking up when it’s still dark. Yuck!

Stuff that tastes like pumpkin spice. Also yuck!

Knowing that soon, you will have left it too late, and your kids won’t have winter boots that fit them when it starts snowing

Did I mention being soooo tired?

Having to transition to fall. Can’t it just BE fall already?!

The In Betweens (things that are both good and bad about September, depending on my mood…)


Shorter Days

The Fall Fair.

Hallowe’en is coming…

How do you feel about September? I know someone is going to tell me how much they love pumpkin flavoured stuff 🙂

A bit more…The September blues are real! How to fully embrace September!