Nicholas holds the record for most pieces of french toast ever eaten at York Street Kitchen. Susie, the original owner, would spoil him with a heaping plate and mounds of bacon. It has been left to me to try and recreate his most favourite food. Here is the recipe. Use any bread, but Susie always used a baguette.

I don’t measure anything but if I had to approximate..

6-8 slices of baguette
Lots of butter for the pan
3 eggs
¾ cup milk or cream
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp white sugar

Best served with real maple syrup! Enjoy!
York Street doesn’t make French toast anymore but we love Foster’s french toast too!
Adding nutmeg has been a game changer for me!
Hmmmm, I’m not very adventurous but maybe I’ll try it!
Just Yum!
Nicholas thinks so!!!!